Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What do you mean by improvements? Is there a list of possible improvements?
Ultimate improvements within the corridor may include: construction or widening to a four-lane roadway cross-section; the addition of, or upgrades to roadway drainage structures; the construction of, or upgrades to intersections including lengthening or adding turn lanes and traffic control at intersections (STOP signs on cross streets, STOP signs on all intersection approaches, traffic signals, or conversion to roundabouts); and construction of, or upgrades to pedestrian and bicycle facilities. However, it is important to keep in mind that the focus of this study is the identification of a preferred alternative alignment and conceptual design for the planned Briargate Parkway-Stapleton Road principal arterial roadway from Black Forest Road east to Meridian Road as well as the adoption of and access management plan for the full corridor. The County has engaged the City in a cooperative the planning process for the corridor with the intent of developing a final preferred alignment, conceptual design and access management plan that will be implemented by both jurisdictions.
Q: What happens after the studies are complete?
The Corridor Preservation Plan and the Access Management Plan will put in place the necessary framework to begin the process of reserving right-of-way for the future roadway corridor as well as ensuring that access to the corridor is managed in a way that preserves the intended future function of the Briargate Parkway-Stapleton Road as a principal arterial roadway. Much of this very important framework building activity will not be evident by near-term construction activity. However, where development plans have been, or soon will be approved, segments of the roadway may also be built in the near term. These near-term improvements may be privately funded or may be constructed through public-private partnerships. Other associated near-term improvements, such as trail segments and drainage improvements, may be constructed using a combination local and federal dedicated transportation funding.
Q: Who is responsible for implementing the improvements?
Implementing improvements within the overall Briargate Parkway-Stapleton Road corridor are local and regional priorities. Funding for improvements has not been identified and will likely be ultimately completed cooperatively. Resources could include: development improvements, grants and federal funds, using public-private partnerships as well as other transportation funding.
Q: How will this project affect me? Near term? Long term?
The near-term outcomes of the study will include preparation and adoption of corridor preservation and access management plans for the full corridor. You may experience temporary construction impacts associated with these improvements. You will not see the effects of near-term right-of-way dedications and/or reservations; however, this corridor preservation framework for will support future implementation of improvements to the full corridor. Ultimate improvements will complete connectivity of the roadway on the preferred alternative alignment and will implement the preferred conceptual design for the roadway. The County has engaged the City in the planning process with the intent of developing an alignment, conceptual design and access management plan that will be implemented throughout the corridor by both jurisdictions.
Q: How can I participate? What is the best way to make my opinions heard?
Fill out one comment form or more as needed to as the study progresses. You may use the interactive map or the form to submit your comments. Be sure to share anything that you feel should be considered as part of the planning process. We will respond to your questions and let you know how your input was used. Be sure to participate in the online survey. We will post a summary of what we learned from you and others. There will also be an online Town Hall Meeting to present study findings and recommendations. That event will include an online Q&A and polling to collect you thoughts about the recommended improvements.
Q: Can I be notified of study results? Survey results?
Yes. All study results will be posted as reports, presentations, or map exhibits on the website for your review and comment. Summaries of survey results and future online Virtual Public Open House polling results will also be posted.
Q: How can I share project info with my friends, family, and coworkers?
The best way to share project information with friends, family and coworkers is to direct them to this website. The website is the best source of up-to-date project information and offers a variety of opportunities to make your voices heard.